Warmups and ranting

Warmups from yesterday and today. Yesterday was a bitch...I just could not draw anything AT ALL. I couldn't even draw in my comfort zone. I had this strange crisis for a couple of days now. Like some sort of doom is coming close of which I have no control. I could not draw. I felt like I forgot how to do it. I'm not saying I was any good at it before but c'mon evil forces of the drawing blockade deamon. Give me a break. I am trying, like really hard. I come home from work all tired and with no fucking energy to just sit down and start drawing, and you play with my mind like a bear plays with bee hives. I shall sacrafice a white bull in your honor, or a fly if I catch one. Or maybe two. Just get the hell out of my head. Leave me be. Let me do my shit in my shitty way. PLEASE. Ok. Thanks... And by the way evil forces of the drawing blockade deamon. FUCK YOU, you are assholes. BIG TIME...fucking retards, shit. Ok. I'm OUT. Peace.