Short story teaser. Ohh the teddy bears...
The english title would be:

I think...

Deadpool WIP and some spying

Deadpool in the works. With elevator music. 
This is a warmup piece. Every day a little...
...and some character design for a short story.
I'll probably be posting a WIP as I go.
This guy looooves apples. And his knife.

Huge post

Here it is... I intent to keep this blog alive and healthy. Sooo, here are a few updates I was asked to do a page for a project called VEKOVNICI

These are the thumbs and the finished thing. 

It was supposed to be a four pager but I could not finish it in time. Also it was a great thing to practise doing whole pages with a story. And I tried to do it a litlle different, not as I make my shit usually. It didn't came out as it should but it never does when you try new things. Well almost never.

A few warmups and experimentations....

The wolf thingy was done as a gift for a friend of mine.

And some more warmups and experimentations. Don't mind the baby.

Happy easter and stuff...

So the final one (bottom) was the chosen one. The top one was my poor attempt of trying to use solid blacks instead regular shading. One day I hope I can manage to use them in a proper way...I think.

Warmups and ranting

Warmups from yesterday and today. Yesterday was a bitch...I just could not draw anything AT ALL. I couldn't even draw in my comfort zone. I had this strange crisis for a couple of days now. Like some sort of doom is coming close of which I have no control. I could not draw. I felt like I forgot how to do it. I'm not saying I was any good at it before but c'mon evil forces of the drawing blockade deamon. Give me a break. I am trying, like really hard. I come home from work all tired and with no fucking energy to just sit down and start drawing, and you play with my mind like a bear plays with bee hives. I shall sacrafice a white bull in your honor, or a fly if I catch one. Or maybe two. Just get the hell out of my head. Leave me be. Let me do my shit in my shitty way. PLEASE. Ok. Thanks... And by the way evil forces of the drawing blockade deamon. FUCK YOU, you are assholes. BIG TIME...fucking retards, shit. Ok. I'm OUT. Peace.