Whats On The Table
Naslednja zadeva, ki bo padla pod mojimi zamahi čopiča in bo prepojena z tinto. Ok. Ne ravno tale skica. Tole naj bi bli thumbnails za postavitev strani itd. Skica pred skico.
Kar pa se dere iz mojih slušalk je pa tale zadeva. Nedvomno, vsaj zame, eden izmed najbol epskih prizorov v zgodovini epskega filma. Čeprav ni ravno jasno kako lahko z tako lahkoto Hamish potegne izza hrbta Claymore. Pa dobro, res je da je velik možakar.
Old Stuff #01
Tole je blo ustvarjeno neki cajta nazaj. Inkanje je blo narjeno z Faber-Castell pisali (podobno rotringu), poštrihano digitalno s pomočjo wacoma...Še en upornik, ki ga je dočakala častna smrt. Imperij vedno poskrbi da raja ni preveč revolucionarno razposajena...z idejami o svobodi. Meeeehhh.
Ne glede na časovno obdobje.
The fight continues. Go rebels go.
This was my second atempt of inking with a brush. A lot of work for me. But I had a ton of fun. It's a little diferent then the last one. More chaotic I guess.
Quick Sketch #2 - VRUN
Leader of the briton rebels, Vrun. And his padre above. Tomorow will rain. In great need of some good english weather.
Daddy Eangus...
...and his son Cienenth, named by the romans Vrun
Daddy Eangus...
...and his son Cienenth, named by the romans Vrun
Doodle #1 - Ink Leftovers
Doodled a hunter. Used my ink leftovers. This is what happens. A really dark figuer I guess. This dude is out for some human blood.
It's just for practise. I have a lot of mileage to cover with my inking before I'll figure out how it should look.
It's just for practise. I have a lot of mileage to cover with my inking before I'll figure out how it should look.
Keltemer Ink
So. Usualy I use pens for inking. I tried with brushes and indian ink many times. But I was always disapointed. This time my fellow warior Marko pushed me with a few words of wisdom. I thank him for that. Thank you Marko. So here it is. My "first" inking. Added some grays in there also for good vibes. By the way. I'm hooked and brushes are now my new best friends.
Trudim se napisat kaj glede teh skic. Sam mi ne gre najbolš od rok. To se zgodi če se upreš Rimskemu Imperiju. Ampak še bo tekla kri. Na obeh straneh. Modra in rdeča. Js navijam za domačo ekipo.
How Metal Depicts History
So I was looking for some historical facts about romans and so on. And this is what I found...
Qick Sketch #1
Tole je moja prva resnejša objava, poglavar. Moder je, pa srečen. Več kaj pa ne morm povedat ker sm totalno zmozgan od vročine, ki vlada zunaj in sedenja v pisarni pod klimo. Ubijalska kombinacija. Močno pogrešam dež in hladno vreme. Mogoče zaplešem po sobi in bo začelo zunaj scat.
Welcome to Ink Paper Sword
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
This is it. Going to try to keep this blog alive for as long as I can. Some stuff will be posted in english and some in Slovenian. My english grammar is not very good by the way. Enjoi the ride...
This is it. Going to try to keep this blog alive for as long as I can. Some stuff will be posted in english and some in Slovenian. My english grammar is not very good by the way. Enjoi the ride...
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